how we work
AGENCY FOR CHILD RELIEF AID (ACRA) is a national Non Profit, Non-Government Humanitarian Organization founded by active, dedicated and committed South Sudanese professionals in 2016 and fully registered under the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) within the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in accordance with NGO Act 2016 of the Republic of South Sudan. ACRA aim to provide sustainable livelihoods opportunities to support and transform the lives of the vulnerable children and populations both in South Sudan’s urban and rural areas and help them enjoy adequate access to essential services including; Child protection, Education, adequate and Safe Water Supply, Sanitation facilities, Sustainable Livelihoods and Maternal Child Health– primary health care services in a manner that respects human rights principles while ensuring the peace and improved social well beings for all. ACRA works towards addressing some of the most urgent humanitarian crisis and needs and contribute to development through rehabilitation and reconstruction following years of destructive conflicts which ruined the socioeconomic, health and institutional fabric of the Country.